Original Holiday Songs


Jon David Miller

"Grandfather Jon"

Jon has recorded three holiday song videos, homemade with his cell-phone. Enjoy the images and life insights expressed in these creative original songs.


(click the title to play the video)

(lyrics further below)

on Brighteon:

"The Light of the Holidays

on Rumble:

"The Light of the Holidays

The cold, dark winter is coming on, but the light of the holidays helps light the way to see us through.

(lyrics below)


on Brighteon:

"Christmas Is a Special Time”

on Rumble:

"Christmas Is a Special Time”

As we care for each other with love, joy, giving and forgiving, we are uplifted with the peace and friendship of the holiday season.

(lyrics below)


on Brighteon:

“Spirit of Christmas”

on Rumble:

“Spirit of Christmas”

The powerful Spirit of Christmas inspires loving peace, joy and a better world for everyone.

 (lyrics below)



Holiday Song Lyrics


The Light of the Holidays

Copyright 2020-22 by Jon David Miller, Key of A

1) Here we come to the wintertime, the season of ice and snow,

A journey through months of dark and cold, as we already know!


With the light of the holidays to brighten our way, we will make it through,

As the love, joy and peace of the season remind us what is true.


2) The falling snow will soon build up as the cold winds start to blow;

The shovel is ready to go to work scraping and pushing snow.


With the light of the holidays to lighten our way, we will make it through,

As the love, joy and peace of the season remind us what is true.


3) Sweat shirts, long johns, blankets and socks, we’ll likely be warm alright,

But a fireplace and a stack of wood would be nice on a cold dark night.


With the light of the holidays to warm our way, we will make it through,

As the love, joy and peace of the season remind us what is true.


4) Here we come to the wintertime, goodbye to the Fall;

Be glad we have the holidays as a gift for one and all!


With the light of the holidays to enlighten our way, we will make it through,

Happy holidays to everyone! Happy holidays to you!


Christmas Is a Special Time

Copyright 2018 by Jon David Miller, Key of C

Goodies, bells, and bows on presents, pretty lights on trees;

Lists of things to do and get, thoughts of those to please;

More to do than time to do it, saving time for cheer!

Feel the spirit of the season, Christmas Day is near!



Christmas is a special time of light, joy, love and peace;

As we care more for each other, our blessings will increase,

With kindness for our family and friends as well until

Giving and forgiving grow to generous good will.


Winter’s cold, so strike a match and fire the log for fuel;

Enjoy the heat, a little treat and the season known as “Yule”;

Every day light is shorter ‘til the solstice shift;

When three days pass, light is returning as a Christmas gift.



As heading into colder time with stocks of food and wood,

Can hold us through the winter till the weather turns to good;

During darker, gloomy days of cold and snow and ice,

Hearts are warmed by spending time with friends and being nice.


Spirit of Christmas

Copyright 1999-2019 by Jon David Miller, Key of Em

1) The baby born of Mary lying on a bed of hay;

Jesus in a stable, the love and peace of Christmas Day,

As 2000 years have passed, people all around the Earth,

Have come to celebrate the loving of this baby's birth.


Spirit of Christmas, teach us how to love and pray;

Spirit of Christmas, waken us in love today.


2) People wise and humble of every age in every land,

Most have heard the story of the Spirit born as human.

Jesus came to teach us, that even in the bleakest hour,

Love and caring help us to live and be the healing power.


Spirit of Christmas, teach us how to do our part;

Spirit of Christmas, waken now in every heart.



As long ago in Bethlehem, raise the hope of humankind;

Inspire us now to know the Truth, lifting heart and healing mind.


3) With Christmas in the winter, as we endure the cold dark night,

The power of life is moving, to bring us to the dawning light.

As love awakens in each one of us and then begins to grow,

Loving peace and joy will bless the world for everyone to know.


Spirit of Christmas, teach us loving every day;

Spirit of Christmas, waken love in every way;

Spirit of Christmas, teach us what we're really of;

Spirit of Christmas, waken us to live as love.




"Grandfather Jon"

Jon David Miller
singer-songwriter, storyteller & sage
"a breath of fresh thought"
original music, stories & philosophy

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